Furaha Ashiq Manwë (2,5 years old)
our handsome boy from F litter (Badawi Manwë x Artaban Cieply Dom)
23.9.2017 CAC Brno
judge: breed specialist Šárka Štusáková (CZ)
junior class 5 males
Hiru Masawi G'Musana Manwë - Excellent 3
junior class 10 females
Hayati Manwë - Excellent 2
Hoor Nazira Manwë - Excellent 4
Honey Spice Manwë - Excellent
Ch. Ghali Zawati Manwë
intermedia cl. - Excellent 2, res.CAC
Ch. Fumi Skye Manwë
champion cl. - Excellent 2, res.CAC
handling: Tereza Rajdlová - thank you!!!
Hayati Manwë - 9 months old
(Badawi Manwë x Mohaget´s Mister Masai)
16.+17.9.2017 DUO CACIB Nitra
judge: Lozic Željko (SRB) + De Cuyper Jos (BE)
MultiCh.,ClubCh.,JCh. Fumi Skye Manwë
champion cl. - Excellent 2, res. CAC + Excellent 3
GrandCh.,MultiCh.,ClubCh. Ghali Zawati Manwë
intermedia cl. - Excellent 1, CAC + Excellent 1, CAC
Hiru Masawi G´Musana Manwë
junior cl. - Excellent 2
Hayati Manwë
junior cl. - Excellent 4 + Excellent 2
handling: Tereza Rajdlová - thank you!!!
15.9.2017 Speciality show of SKCHR Club (SK)
judge: breed specialist Monika Pehr (DE)
Hiru Masawi G'Musana Manwë
junior cl. - Excellent 2
Hayati Manwë
junior cl - Excellent 2
Ch. Ghali Zawati Manwë
intermedia cl. - Excellent (5) (from 9 females)
Ch. Fumi Skye Manwë
winners cl. - Excellent 2, res.CAC
Furaha Ashiq Manwë
open cl. - Excellent 1, CAC
Furaha Ashiq Manwë
Fumi Skye Manwë
Hayati Manwë
Hiru Masawi G´Musana Manwë / Ghali Zawati Manwë
handling: Tereza Rajdlová - thank you!!!
planned litter in Akanaka kennel (CZ). Fingers crossed !!!!!!
more info: www.akanaka.cz
GrandCh.,Ch. Ghali Zawati Manwë
(Tusani Happy Zippy x Aminiafu´s Hishima H-Oiva)
Dracula Golden Thropy 2017, Romania
4x CAC + 2x CACIB shows in one weekend - champion cl.
4x BOS
and second Cruft´s Qualification 2018
handling: Markétka Hanzaliusová
Thank you very much for excellent handling and take care about our Zawati :)
Habi Nago Manwë
(Badawi Manwë x Mohaget´s Mister Masai)
RRCUS National Specialty, Portland, Oregon
sweepstakes cl. - 4th place
9-12 months cl. - 2nd place
Great placements in very strong classes on this big show :) Congrats!!!
AKC GrandCh., Ch., UKC Ch. Fuwaad Finn Manwë CGC CA
(C.I.B. Badawi Manwë x C.I.B. Artaban Cieply Dom)
Santa Ana Kennel Club in Irwindale, CA
judge: Mr. Robert E. Hutton + Mr. Jay Richardson
Select Dog + Best of Breed
handling: Katelyn Ford
2.+3.9.2017 ČKRR Club + Speciality show
Badawi offspring did great job at ČKRR Club and Speciality show Orlík 2017. Congrats to all :)
Hiru Masawi G'Musana Manwë (puppy cl.)
judge: Arne Foss - Very Promising 1/7, Best Puppy on Saturday
judge: Orit Nevo - Very Promising 4/8
Hoor Nazira Manwë (puppy cl.)
judge: Arne Foss - Very Promising 3/11
judge: Orit Nevo - Very Promising 2/10
Furaha Ashiq Manwë (working cl.)
judge: Sharron Taylor - Excellent 2, res. CAC (full CAC)
judge: Arne Foss - Excellent 1, CAC
JCh, Multi CH, Club CH. Fumi Skye Manwë (winner class)
judges: Orit Nevo and Sharron Taylor - both days Very Good
26.8.2017 XIII. KCHRR Club show
judge: Jan Ryk (PL)
Furaha Ashiq Manwë
working cl - Excellent 1, CAC
Hayati Manwë
puppy cl. - Very Promising 1
Ch. Ghali Zawati Manwë
intermedia cl. - Excellent 3 (from 10 females)
VetCh.,GrandCh,ClubCh.,MultiCh. Tusani Happy Zippy
veteran cl. - Excellent 3
our granddauhter in kennel Pride of Africa
Beautifull Buffy Pride of Africa
junior cl. - Excellent
26.8.2017 Speciality Show E.L.S.A.
judge: breed specialist Monika Pehr (DE)
CH, Club CH, JCH Fumi Skye Manwë
champion cl. - Excellent 1, CAC VDH, Club ELSA CAC
Hiru Masawi G´Musana Manwë
puppy cl. - Very Promising 1, BIS PUPPY
...some memories from June
Spice, Badawi, Zawati, Hayati, Cherrie and Leea .... Zippy slept on the couch