

Furaha Ashiq Manwë (2,5 years old)

our handsome boy from F litter (Badawi Manwë x Artaban Cieply Dom)

more info about Fura

Furaha Ashiq Manwë



23.9.2017 CAC Brno

judge: breed specialist Šárka Štusáková (CZ)

  junior class 5 males

Hiru Masawi G'Musana Manwë - Excellent 3

junior class 10 females

Hayati Manwë - Excellent 2

Hoor Nazira Manwë - Excellent 4

Honey Spice Manwë - Excellent


 Ch. Ghali Zawati Manwë
intermedia cl. - Excellent 2, res.CAC


 Ch. Fumi Skye Manwë
champion cl. - Excellent 2, res.CAC


handling: Tereza Rajdlová - thank you!!!



stříhání drápků 5 RR + 1 CCD / trimming nails 5 RR + 1 CCD

(click on the picture)


Manwë kennel



 Hayati Manwë - 9 months old

(Badawi Manwë x Mohaget´s Mister Masai)


Hayati Manwë



16.+17.9.2017 DUO CACIB Nitra

judge: Lozic Željko (SRB) + De Cuyper Jos (BE)

 MultiCh.,ClubCh.,JCh. Fumi Skye Manwë
champion cl. - Excellent 2, res. CAC + Excellent 3


GrandCh.,MultiCh.,ClubCh. Ghali Zawati Manwë

intermedia cl. - Excellent 1, CAC + Excellent 1, CAC


 Hiru Masawi G´Musana Manwë

junior cl. - Excellent 2


Hayati Manwë

junior cl. - Excellent 4 + Excellent 2

Hayati Manwë Hiru Masawi Manwë

Fumi Skye Manwë Ghali Zawati Manwë

 handling: Tereza Rajdlová - thank you!!!



15.9.2017 Speciality show of SKCHR Club (SK)

judge: breed specialist Monika Pehr (DE)

Hiru Masawi G'Musana Manwë
  junior cl. - Excellent 2

Hayati Manwë
  junior cl - Excellent 2

 Ch. Ghali Zawati Manwë
intermedia cl. - Excellent (5) (from 9 females)

 Ch. Fumi Skye Manwë
winners cl. - Excellent 2, res.CAC

Furaha Ashiq Manwë
open cl. - Excellent 1, CAC


Furaha Ashiq Manwë Furaha Ashiq Manwë

Furaha Ashiq Manwë

Fumi Skye Manwë Fumi Skye Manwë

Fumi Skye Manwë

Hayati Manwë Hayati Manwë

Hayati Manwë

Hiru Masawi Manwë Ghali Zawati Manwë

Hiru Masawi G´Musana Manwë / Ghali Zawati Manwë

handling: Tereza Rajdlová - thank you!!!



Furaha Ashiq Manwë

planned litter in Akanaka kennel (CZ). Fingers crossed !!!!!!

more info: www.akanaka.cz


Furaha Ashiq Manwë - Akanaka



GrandCh.,Ch. Ghali Zawati Manwë

  (Tusani Happy Zippy x Aminiafu´s Hishima H-Oiva)


 Dracula Golden Thropy 2017, Romania

 4x CAC + 2x CACIB shows in one weekend - champion cl.

6x CAC
4x BOS
and second Cruft´s Qualification 2018
Zawati is new

Ghali Zawati Manwë
Markétka Hanzaliusová
Thank you very much for excellent handling and take care about our Zawati :)



Habi Nago Manwë

(Badawi Manwë x Mohaget´s Mister Masai)

RRCUS National Specialty, Portland, Oregon

sweepstakes cl. - 4th place

9-12 months cl. - 2nd place

Great placements in very strong classes on this big show :) Congrats!!!

Habi Nago Manwë Habi Nago Manwë

Habi Nago Manwë



AKC GrandCh., Ch., UKC Ch. Fuwaad Finn Manwë CGC CA

(C.I.B. Badawi Manwë x C.I.B. Artaban Cieply Dom)


Santa Ana Kennel Club in Irwindale, CA

judge: Mr. Robert E. Hutton + Mr. Jay Richardson

Select Dog + Best of Breed

Fuwaad Finn Manwë Fuwaad Finn Manwë

handling: Katelyn Ford



2.+3.9.2017 ČKRR Club + Speciality show

Badawi offspring did great job at ČKRR Club and Speciality show Orlík 2017. Congrats to all :)

Hiru Masawi G'Musana Manwë (puppy cl.)
judge: Arne Foss - Very Promising 1/7, Best Puppy on Saturday
judge: Orit Nevo - Very Promising 4/8

Hoor Nazira Manwë (puppy cl.)
judge: Arne Foss - Very Promising 3/11
judge: Orit Nevo - Very Promising 2/10

Furaha Ashiq Manwë (working cl.)
judge: Sharron Taylor - Excellent 2, res. CAC (full CAC)
judge: Arne Foss - Excellent 1, CAC

JCh, Multi CH, Club CH. Fumi Skye Manwë (winner class)
judges: Orit Nevo and Sharron Taylor - both days Very Good

Furaha Ashiq Manwë Furaha Ashiq Manwë

Hiru Masawi Manwë Hoor Nazira Manwë





Our A team (Spice x Kufrey) celebrates their 7th birthday today.

Manwë A puppies

Amosek, Sethi, Amrún, Fate, Jessy + Astaldo



26.8.2017 XIII. KCHRR Club show

judge: Jan Ryk (PL)

FB gallery

Furaha Ashiq Manwë
working cl - Excellent 1, CAC

Hayati Manwë
puppy cl. - Very Promising 1

 Ch. Ghali Zawati Manwë
intermedia cl. - Excellent 3 (from 10 females)

 VetCh.,GrandCh,ClubCh.,MultiCh. Tusani Happy Zippy
veteran cl. - Excellent 3

our granddauhter in kennel Pride of Africa
Beautifull Buffy Pride of Africa
junior cl. - Excellent

Hayati Manwë

Furaha Ashiq Manwë Ghali Zawati Manwë Tusani Happy Zippy



26.8.2017 Speciality Show E.L.S.A.

judge: breed specialist Monika Pehr (DE)

CH, Club CH, JCH Fumi Skye Manwë
champion cl. - Excellent 1, CAC VDH, Club ELSA CAC


Hiru Masawi G´Musana Manwë

puppy cl. - Very Promising 1, BIS PUPPY

Hiru Masawi Manwë Fumi Skye Manwë



...some memories from June

Spice, Badawi, Zawati, Hayati, Cherrie and Leea .... Zippy slept on the couch

FB gallery


Badawi Manwë Leea Hayati Manwë

Badawi Manwë